Friday, April 10, 2020

History in the Making

The girls left our house today for the first time in 12 days. I don't think that's ever happened before. Even when they were babies. There were trips to the pediatrician or the store. But they went 12 days without leaving the confines of home. Our first stop was at Hattie's school, Mt. Zion Grade. Sweet girl has really been struggling with all of this. She keeps it together pretty well Monday through Friday. But when we don't have a routine (Good Friday-no school) she is lost. A little more clingy and a little more emotional. This is hard for adults, so of course she's struggling and we're trying to give her a little more grace. I had her jump out of the car so we could take a picture with the sign.

Next up we went over to Intermediate, Kiersten and Leah's school. They moaned and groaned when I wanted a picture but it led to some great discussion. As kids they aren't thinking long term. I told them this would be going in the blog. I told them I'm trying to document this time because some day their kids are going to ask them about Corona Virus. As we were leaving we couldn't help but notice the barricades up in front of Fletcher Park, because YES, even the parks are closed down.

Leah got emotional as we were driving away. This would be her last quarter at Intermediate. She asked me if she would get a chance to say goodbye to Mr. Wunderlich...the man who helped spark her passion for the violin. She asked if she would get to say good-bye to Mrs. Jozwiak. She's been her teachers for two years in a row. I feel her pain, this is hard.

We went to Simply Sweet and picked up some Easter cookies, we drove around town and dropped off a package to Mr. and Mrs. Shumate...they came out and said HI. It was lovely to see them even for just a minute. And lastly we stopped at Studio B. The girls are so fortunate that their teachers have been able to continue having classes via ZOOM. It's not the same but it's better than nothing. It was fun for them to see the sign in front of the studio so we grabbed a picture there too. It's been exactly 4 weeks since things changed. No school in 4 weeks, and we're just  hoping and praying we can get back to our regularly scheduled program soon. Be well, friends.

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