Monday, April 13, 2020

Memes of Covid-19

Remember that time that the entire country shut down...You could only leave your house to go to the store, or work. If you were deemed essential, that is. If you were working from home, it was rough. Because not only were you working, you were helping your kids get through school while your husband was on call, after call, after call...because he too is working from home.

There was no toilet paper to be found anywhere. And the country was obsessed with Tiger King. Did Carole Baskin kill her husband? We may never know. We sat on our couches in our pajamas and streamed our church services, even on Easter Sunday. And for 4 straight weeks we had dinner together every single night. While we miss all our activities, swim, dance, tumbling, piano...the slower pace has given us the opportunity for plenty of family time.

Sometimes though, we (mostly me) spent way too much time exchanging memes with my awesome co-workers and friends. These are a few of my favorites.

Veggie tales was a huge hit when I was in High School and college. Leah and Kiersten have seen several episodes. Not sure about Hattie. So this one definitely made me chuckle. Now excuse me, I need to go listen to "Oh where is my hairbrush!" I was a Sunday School teacher and a preschool teacher during this time and I knew LOTS of Veggietale tunes!

Now this one...oh my! The Burger King logo has been replaced with Tiger King. The Costco logo is playing on the band name "Panic at the Disco" with Panic at the Costco...because seriously American's have lost their minds and are hoarding things like toilet paper and bottled water and more. And the milk carton with the toilet paper roll...Once upon a time, missing kids were shared on milk cartons. Believe it or not I remember those days. So toilet paper...because no one can find any, anywhere! I sent this to our Junior High History teachers, Mr. Kendall and Mr. Bradley!

My girls have seen Willy Wonka or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory numerous times, so this one actually made them giggle. 

How can we not share Mr. Kendall's famous commute to work meme! He's riding on Knox and 
Ollie's Powerwheels, Big Gulp in hand. Too Funny! Thanks for the laugh, neighbor Angie. 

And this one is just beyond fitting, because if you read my last post, you know this is how we celebrated Easter with our family. Thank goodness for Zoom keeping us connected!

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