Sunday, September 5, 2021

Las Fallas y la Crema

Of course we had to venture back into the city to experience a little bit of Fallas! We headed down on Saturday afternoon. We tried to take the train but you can’t buy tickets on the weekend…and it looks like everyone here has a card they just swipe. So we were brave and drove. The traffic in the city was nuts and people were double parked on every block. We found what we thought was a parking garage, and it actually was attached to a mall. We meant to do that. After all the girls needed shoes for school. 

The city was bustling for sure. There were people everywhere. There were lots of patio-type settings with people just sitting enjoying food, wine and good company. Everyone was checking out the statues. We found a few more good ones. I made the girls pose in front of the Native American…because Mt. Zion Braves. We loved the Snow White statue. The Evil Queen was gorgeous and it even had some of the seven dwarves on the back side. And then there was the Harry Potter. So cool for my Hogwarts loving girls! We also got to see a few different parades. The girls adored the traditional dresses that the women and girls were wearing. I could only think of how hot they had to be. And each dress had matching dress shoes with HEELS and these ladies were walking all over the city. Each group was followed by a small band playing Spanish music. It was fun to watch them pass by.

The girls had ice cream in waffle cones for a snack. I desperately wanted a churro but the lines were so long. I really wanted to see a good street mart, where you could buy jewelry or art native to Spain but we never found any of that. The fire works were a little unnerving…and made me a bit jumpy. But the architecture was amazing!!! 

On the last night of Fallas, which was Sunday they celebrate “la Crema” which is when they burn the statues. This year because of covid and social distancing they didn’t put out a schedule of when they would burn. But the mediator (the lady with the long hair) was last. It was at 11pm on Sunday so we weren’t there but we watched a video of it the next day. It was quite a firework show followed by the burn. 

Once we got back to the mall we had a little trouble finding shoes but we managed. Leah got some navy loafers, Kiersten and Hattie ended up with saddle shoes. It was not easy to find NAVY shoes!!! But with the exception of navy knee socks the girls are pretty much set. We pick up actual uniforms on Monday! 

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