Monday, November 26, 2012

Cousin Overload...In a Good Way

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving I was able to have a playdate/lunch with my girl cousins Tara, Tiffany and Melissa...the playing was really more for the kids. Melissa, the baby girl of the bunch got married this past year and just had her first baby, Charlotte. So this was her first time meeting the gang. Tiffany brought her bunch, Preston, Brooklyn and Parker and Tara brought her two guys, Liam and Jameson. I don't think my moms house has ever been so loud. The kids sure had a good time!!!

Us grown up cousins were enjoying ourselves too. We had lunch, dessert and of course a little wine. We shared some good laughs and by the time the afternoon was coming to a close we were sharing memories of our grandmother. Tiffany just put it out there "let's go see her together" so that's what we did. The five of us made a quick trip to the nursing home and I am so glad I did. We started off with a bang. Poor Melissa set off the alarm going in, and of course we ragged on her about it. We got to Grandma's room and she was all bundled up in bed. But you could tell right away that she knew who we were and she was happy to see us. She kept saying "my lands" and "I just can't believe it" and it made my heart happy to see her smile. It was definitely easier for us to go as a group. We showed her pictures of all our kids and at one point she said to us "same story"...LOL, Laura said "yes, they all have little ones." We weren't there for long but it was a nice visit and something we will do again.

Love seeing my cousins, something about our time together just makes me feel at home. Wish we could do it more often and can't wait until the next time.

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