Saturday, December 22, 2012

6 Months!

Well, it happened...we are halfway to the one year mark. It totally snuck up on me. But she is the cutest 6 monther I know, for sure! We decided for December we had to do it in her Christmas jammies (technically they are Kiersten's Christmas jammies, but whatever). And I keep putting bows on her head to cover up her crazy comb-over hairstyle...but I don't think they suit her. Anyway, yeah...6 months.

I feel like I blinked and it happened. She is moving all over the floor, not really crawling but scooting for sure. And once in a while she gets her booty up in the air and gets herself in the tripod position, so crawling is most likely just around the corner. My girl eats 3 square meals a day now. She is eating fruit for breakfast, and vegetables for lunch and dinner. Always mixed with a little oatmeal, and she would lick the bowl clean if I'd let her. We are transitioning away from the breastfeeding. I'm not ready but as hard as I try, I'm just not making enough milk. I pump and get nothing. So in the past week we have weaned down to breastfeeding twice a day. We lay in bed and cuddle and I nurse her first thing in the morning and there is no better way to start the day. I can definitely tell that the formula is filling her belly though. When I weighed her yesterday she was 17 lbs even, that's up 4 pounds in 2 months. We have our 6 month well child check up on Wed. the 26th, so more accurate stats to follow. UPDATE: Yes, my scale was almost right on the mark. They weighed her at 17 pounds even and measured her at 26.25 inches. Which puts her in the 50th-75th percentile for both. She's growing and doing great!

She is working hard on sitting up, but is really struggling. After a minute, sometimes less...never more, she topples over. She is infatuated with her feet. Tries and tries to get them in her mouth repeatedly. Hence, she is reaching for them in the pictures above. Most days, I would say she is so quiet I could forget that I have a baby in the house (I won't) but she rarely makes a peep...4 o'clock in the morning when she is hungry is a whole 'nother story. But really Sweet Hattie is such a good girl. She loves to lay on the floor in the playroom and watch her big sisters play. Of course, I have to be diligent about what toys are on the floor. I would speculate that this girl is teething but if she is, she is handling it much better than the first two. Everything goes straight to the mouth. 

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Christmas with my family in Charleston. It's the last time I will have a Baby's 1st Christmas. I guess it's the beginning of a lot of the last "baby's first"...I can tell one last I am certainly looking forward to...The last diaper. But overall, I want it all to slow down. I want to cherish and treasure this time with my babies when they are innocent and carefree. My Christmas Wish...make time stand still.

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