Monday, December 10, 2012

Where A Kid Can Be A Kid

Well, we finally did it...we broke down and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. We were in Bloomington on Saturday for our Santa photo shoot so it seemed as good a time as any. The girls LOVED it, and they were really well behaved. Almost so well behaved that I would consider taking them back...of course, not any time in the near future. It was surprisingly NOT busy for a Saturday at noon, so they had their pick of the liter, so to speak. They played Skeetball, whack-a-mole, MarioKart, and did lots of rides. They got excited to see Chuck himself come out and sing. It's nothing like I remembered. Didn't Chuck and his friends used to be people in costumes? Now it's a big electronic robot type of thing...not cool! But I digress, the girls loved it. Leah even commented a few times "it's where a kid can be a kid." Thank you Nick Jr. for the commercials that prompted this visit, Ha. But honestly, it was fun for them and fun for us. They are only little I intend to make the most of it. 

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