Friday, December 14, 2012

Miracle in a Manger


This past Thursday, December 13th St. Paul's Lutheran Preschool had their Christmas program. They had been rehearsing and preparing for a few weeks. So imagine my surprise when two days before the "show" Leah declared at lunch "I'm the mother of the Christ Child." I said "What" and she said "Mrs. Koch says I am the mother of the Christ-Child, Mary." What a big roll...certainly big shoes to feel, but she was SO EXCITED! It was adorable. She went on and on all week about being an actor on the stage. She rehearsed her songs day in and day out.

Gigi and Papa came to Decatur to see the show. On the big night she did not disappoint. Her smile was radiant and Mitch and I could hear her little voice bellowing out the songs. She knew the words and hearing her sing "Away in a Manger" almost brought tears to my eyes. She sat at the manger with the entire school around her and stroked that babydoll Jesus, and looked lovingly at him while Mrs. Koch told the Christmas Story. It was so precious. I was so proud of her. And she just loved all the praise she got when the show was done. Gigi told her she did a good job to which she replied "I told you I was gonna do great!" It cracked us up. 

As a parting gift the kids got little bags with a book, toy and coloring book with crayons all fitting the theme "Miracle in a Manger". The next day the girls had fun playing with it and Kiersten informed me "Look mom, Mary wears flip flops too." Don't you just love what comes out of the mouths of babes?!?!

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