Sunday, December 9, 2012

Who Knew, Santa Plays Trains?!?!

So Cocoa and Cookies with Claus is slated to be a two hour event, 6-8 PM. We were there promptly at 6 to start the night, we got in our playtime, had our cookie, visited the man in red, and went downstairs for story time at 7 PM. The storytime wrapped up around 7:15 and we headed back upstairs, but the museum was slowly thinning out. People were probably clearing out to get home and get their little ones to bed...but not us. We paid for 2 hours, the kids were being SOOOO good, and so I was getting my money's worth. And boy am I glad that we stayed. I think Santa got bored because around 7:30 it seemed that we were the only ones left upstairs. Santa, not busy with taking any other children's requests, ventured out of his little corner of the museum to play with our kids. Seriously  TOO.STINKING.CUTE! He probably hung out around that table with them for a good 15 minutes and you would have thought that it was the most normal thing in the world to them. They didn't think twice about him being there, and Kiersten even commented on the way home "Santa played trains." It gave me the perfect opportunity to capture some precious if I was just a little bit better of a photographer, hmmm!!!

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