Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was low-key for us this year...no plans, no where to go...it was pretty perfect. Mitch went back to work, but it was an early office day. He stopped and did the grocery shopping on his way home. Once Hattie woke up from her nap, we gave the girls a bath and got them ready for church. We went to St. John's Lutheran for the 5 o'clock Christmas Eve service. For the most part it was really good...just what I needed. Leah was super, she colored and read books and kept herself occupied. She was so excited to sing "Away in a Manger"...Bug on the other hand is such a hand full! She won't sit still, coloring isn't her thing, and keeping her quiet is like trying to maneuver a Bull around a china shop...impossible! The only time she was good was during "Silent Night". I let the girls each hold a candle and before the blew them out the said "Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus." So sweet! Leah was super excited on the way out when she spotted Mrs. Stanzione her preschool teacher and her daughter Morgan, our babysitter. Bug kept asking Morgan if she could come home with us.

Once we got home we had a quick dinner. Italian Beef had been going in the crockpot. And after dinner we made cookies for Santa. All three of the girls helped Mitch with the baking. It was so cute to see Daddy and his girls. Before bed Leah put out the reindeer food, we read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and they were off to bed. Before settling in the for the night Mitch got a fire roaring so we cuddled up on the couch and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" followed by "The Christmas Story." It was about as close to perfection as you can get.

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