Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas morning did not go how I expected at all. It wasn't bad, I just expected the girls to wake up very excited and eager to run downstairs and see what Santa brought for them. But they didn't...they hung out snuggling in our bed for a good 30 minutes. When we finally convinced them it was time to go downstairs they got really excited! Right away Leah went to see if the Reindeer ate their food and found that there were "jingle bells" left cool! It didn't take them long to get the gifts sorted and they were so patient taking turns opening their gifts. Leah had asked Santa for three things: Cinderella Vanity, Dream Light and Barbie stuff...she got all that and a little more. Kiersten asked for a Princess Castle and a Barbie Pool...she got them both and a little more. Hattie was disinterested in her gifts...she just wanted to eat the paper. Just like a baby, Ha! But she has been enjoying her Playskool and Melissa and Doug toys.

By the time we finished up and had breakfast it was after 9. The girls were happy playing while we assembled and cleaned up. My parents (Gigi and Papa) arrived around 11 to see what Santa brought. I had made Oyster Stew for dinner. It's something my Grandma Schaumburg served every Christmas and was always one of my Grandpa and dad's favorites. Surprisingly, the girls ate it too. We also had Ham-n-Cheese Panini Sandwhiches and Italian Beef to choose from. My folks took off around 12:45 and then we got busy preparing the Christmas Feast.

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