Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 3, in Utah!

Since Mitch spent many years living in Utah, he mapped out a way for me to get to Salt Lake City. I didn't do a very good job following those directions, or I should say my GPS didn't cooperate. But that's a story for another time. We went right past Strawberry Resevoir. But we did end up finding this gorgeous lake nestled in the mountains. The seagulls were huge. And the temperature was just right. We HAD to get out and walk around.

Then as we got further up the road we took another detour. We went up and saw in the Sundance film festival. We didn't stop and I wish now we would have, but it is what it is. And I can guarantee we'll be back in the area at some point.

We made it to our friend Joel and Sidney's house around 7. Charlee girls answered the door and said "I remember you. I was so mad when we had to leave Illinois." It was adorable. The kids were wound up, so we took them to a nearby park to play. It's always so nice to catch up with old friends and they graciously opened their home to us.

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