Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer Road Trip, Day 2

On Day 2 we drove from Colorado Springs to Breckenridge. So beautiful! This was my first time in Colorado and I definitely see the appeal. When we arrived in Breckenridge we met up with Ellen's family that was in the area on vacation. The girls were excited to eat a meal at a restaurant since on day one we ate all our meals in the car! It was great to sit outside and enjoy some company.

After that we headed to downtown Breckenridge. We stopped at the edge of the river and let the girls play for a minute. I told them feet thing I know, Leah slipped on a rock and down she went. So from now on she will be known as "dances with slippery rock". She was drenched and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. We kept walking and made it to the park. There was a little museum we walked through and it was an adorable shopping area. But for the most all the other kids, the girls just wanted to play in the river. So that's what they did. Before we packed it up to head on to our next destination, I had them get in their pajamas. No sense sitting in wet clothes. That night we made it to Craig, Colorado...up in the northwest corner, near the border of Utah.

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